During the NFL Preseason:
Letters of Misfortune will be sent out to NFL team fans beginning next week. Our tour around the NFL will start in the AFC East with the Buffalo Bills. The Letters will appear daily throughout the preseason schedule.
Fantasy Football Week begins the week of August 30th. The first ever alternate-reality Creative Misfortune Fantasy Football Season will be outlined in great detail. AFC and NFC pre-season Fantasy Bowl favorites will be discussed.
After Labor Day, standings predictions will be made for all the NFL teams, broken down by conference and division. Creative Misfortune Power Rankings will make their debut, ranking all NFL teams into one of five power classes.
Below is an example of the Creative Misfortune Power Rankings as they stood at the end of the 2009 regular season -
The Creative Elite ~ *Wielding misfortune at its finest
Indianapolis, New Orleans, San Diego, Minnesota, Dallas
The Fortunate Seven ~ *The best of what’s left
Green Bay, Philadelphia, New England, Arizona,
Cincinnati, Baltimore, New York Jets
The Remarkably Average ~ *Dancing the fine line between misfortune and glory
Pittsburgh, Houston, Atlanta, Denver,
New York Giants, Carolina, San Francisco, Tennessee
The Creatively Challenged ~ *Folly remains ever their mistress
Miami, Jacksonville, Chicago, Buffalo, Seattle, Oakland, Cleveland
The Forked Few ~ *Abandon hope and fortune all ye who rank here
Washington, Kansas City, Tampa Bay, Detroit, St. Louis
During the Regular Season and Playoffs:
Regular content will appear each week during the NFL regular season.
On Mondays, each team’s fortune, or lack thereof, from the preceding weekend will be recapped and a prediction for the Monday Night Game will be made.
On Tuesdays, the Monday Night Game recap and all Creative Misfortune predictions will be checked for accuracy. No one can be perfect picking games, but you can certainly strive for being better than average! The Creative Misfortune Fantasy Football Season standings will be updated.
On Wednesdays, Creative Misfortune Power Rankings! Note: Power Rankings are based on a complicated formula that takes into account, among other things, a team's projected ability to score an Offensive Fumble Recovery TD. All power rankings guaranteed to be less accurate than real NFL team abilities on any given Sunday and are subject to change on a weekly basis. If your team’s ranking remains unchanged for 4 hours or more, please consult with your doctor, as serious side effects may occur. The Creative Misfortune Super Bowl favorite through the current week will also be announced.
On Thursdays, predictions for any Thursday Night Games, plus “This Day in Football History” will remind us all of bygone days spent on the gridiron.
On Fridays, weekend game predictions and the starting fantasy football lineups for every team, plus any Thursday Night Game recaps
Along with these weekly features, at any time, “Something Different” posts will appear when inspiration strikes from outside the NFL universe.
Tomorrow, training camps! All around the country talented athletes are assembling for two-a-days, but what of the most talented athletes?
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